the voices on the wind UN podcast
world frontiers forum 2020
The World Frontiers Forum 2020 is a poignant virtual exhibit, Voices on the Wind, produced through a partnership between UNHCR New York Office, the Department of Global Communications (DGC), and UN75, which will launch on Monday 14 December, marking UNHCR’s 70th anniversary.
Voices on the Wind is an online installation of film, audio, and photography that shares different perspectives of the refugee experience. Three galleries entitled “SEE”, “HEAR”, and “MAKE” call in the viewer’s human senses to engage in the subject matter in a reimagined way, from both a child’s and adult point of view.
The exhibit is visually themed on images from an upcoming short animated film “Footsteps on the Wind”, which is set to a refugee-inspired song by singer/songwriter Sting called “Inshallah”.
In an exclusive interview, photographer Steve McCurry gives an a candid take on his three decades documenting stories of forced displacement. Sting shares his experience writing two refugee-inspired songs. A group photography exhibit by both professional photographers and amateur refugee photographers tells varying sides of the story.
Food insecurity, the topic of our first podcast, while not a new subject, has worsened everywhere. We are now in the middle of a pandemic, and questions around health and trust are central. This is the topic of our second podcast, currently being created by a compilation of interviews of experts in the field. our third and last podcast will focus on culture and learning and the disruption that has come to over a billion students on the planet, the fears and challenges of going back to school — as well as that of cultural expression. Cultural expression and learning are inevitably interlinked, and each acts as a bridge to survival for those who are displaced.
These Three podcasts are moderated by young refugees. “Food Systems - Efforts of regeneration” is moderated by Nuha Saegh, a Syrian teacher, who fled her war torn country with her son to Europe. Since then, she has received her master degree at the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo. Trusting in Healthcare: pioneering health post-covid-19 is co-moderated by Felix Sesay, a young refugee from Sierra Leone who recently graduated from the St Karols School of nursing, in Accra, on a DAFI scholarship.
Our “HEAR” section also includes voices of refugees on what home means to them.
To view the line up of experts for each podcast, click here
An interactive gallery showcases initiatives of making and expressing the refugee story through creative craft like painting and poetry, centering around the meaning of home.
Hashtags: #VoicesOnTheWind #UNexhibits #UNHCR70 #UN75 #worldfrontiersforum #WFF2020UN #chasingthelightstudio
world frontiers forum 2019
The WFF Conversation on Digital Identity & Cultural Expression moderated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, & Max Senges with Simon Denny, A, Jakob Kudsk Steensen, & Jenna Sutela.
(c) Phase One Photography
world frontiers forum 2018
Questlove: Creativity, What it is, What it is not, and Why We Like to Eat it: A Conversation with Chef Enrique Olvera (moderated by David Edwards, co- founder WFF)
(c) Phase One Photography
world frontiers forum 2017
Temple Grandin speaks of her vision of human and animal perception.
(c) Phase One Photography
What is WFF?
The World Frontiers brings together pioneers from frontiers spanning the arts and sciences with global leaders to spark change that contributes to the sustainability of the human conditions. The Forum was founded by David Edwards (Harvard, Senses), Dennis Ausiello (Harvard Medical School/MGH), & Robert Langer (MIT).
more available in archives
At the World Frontiers Forum we work both with companies and leading individuals. Learn how to engage:
The World Frontiers Forum is operated by the Cloud ArtScience Foundation, a charitable foundation established in 1999.